Thursday, April 3, 2008

FOX 2 NEWS White Ghost interview

Mike and I were both fortunate to have Tim Ezell at Fox 2 News interview us about our book and one of my past inventions that I launched in 2001 before 9.11 happened. We had a great response to the lost my cup magnet in 2001. However, after 9.11.01 this inventions hype lost its appeal to the media and retailers.

Tim helped us launch this invention in 2001 and loved the "lost my cup magnet" and wanted to play some April fools jokes on drivers while talking about our book.

The interview is a good laugh and gave us some White Ghost book awareness and more book sales at the Sunset Hills Borders Book Stores.

Check out our Fox 2 segment One interview on You Tube:

Segement TWO on You Tube:

Segment THREE on You Tube:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That the so funny! I have got to get some of those magnets!!! Not your normal boring interview with a writer!! Good luck, Gary
Vickie Tucker