Friday, June 13, 2008

It Ain't Easy Being Green

I personally felt the effect of the No Plastic Bags in China rule this last weekend while shopping at the local Walmart. When the checkout lady did not load my groceries into plastic bags I didn't know what to do. How I was going to take all these goods home?

I was getting upset thinking about what to do and the cashier asked me if I wanted to buy a reusable "green" cloth bag to carry my groceries. I remember to carry my reusable cloth bag with me wherever I go shopping.

I did NOT think this rule would be enforced or followed by the Chinese store owners but many stores like Walmart, CarreFour and many smaller Chinese shops are complying. When I have forgotten to bring a bag I had to pay money to buy the bag.

What a great step for China to lead in the green movement.

What about the World Leader ---USA? Shouldn't we lead by example and do something extraordinary towards the Green Movement?

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